Definition of Scrum

This document defines the definition of Scrum used in this project. This document can be edited during e.g. a sprint retrospective

Daily Scrum

This meeting usually takes place once a day will should last about 15 minutes. We collectively decided to hold an additional meeting of this type. It is mainly intended for the developers of our team. During the meeting the progress towards the Sprint Goal will be reviewed. If necessary, the Sprint Backlog and the planned work can be adjusted.

Sprint Planning

This meeting is used to plan a new sprint and takes place as soon as a Sprint has been completed.

Three main Questions are discussed in this meeting. These include defining a new Sprint Goal, which items from the Product Backlog should be included in the upcoming Sprint and how an increment that meets the Definition of Done can be created.

Sprint Review

During this meeting, the result of the Sprint is reviewed and adjustments are made.

Our team presents their work and progress towards the Product Goal. Based on the information, the next steps can be planned.

Sprint Retrospective

This meeting is very important. It is used to plan how to improve the quality and effectiveness of our work. The team reviews how the last sprint went in terms of individual team members, interactions, processes, tools and their Definition of Done. We discuss, what went well during the Sprint and what didn’t, what problems were encountered and how they were solved or can be solved.

Milestone Meeting

After each milestone there is a meeting with the Advisor. We present a small demo of our project and show the status of the product.