
A presenter is a component responsible for rendering the content of a tab. This means that it has the ability to display the complete contents of a file. However, it is not necessarily required to render the structures contained within the file, but rather acts as a container for other components that define how these components are bound together.

One specific implementation of the presenter is the column-based presenter, which is able to show a single level of a structure in a single column and respond to navigation requests received from the structure rendered in that column. When a navigational request is received, the column-based presenter is responsible for controlling how the navigation impacts the creation or closing of columns in the presentation.

Presenter Registry

The presenter registry is a central repository for all presenters within the Black Fennec software. It serves as a point of connection between extensions that provide presenters and the application that requires a presenter when opening a new tab. Extension developers can register their presenters with the registry, making them available for use by the application, while the application can retrieve presenters from the registry as needed.